As we head back to school campuses this week, we are thrilled for a new school year that will bring with it both exciting new partnerships and the deepening and continued engagement with our existing community.
- 16 Los Angeles Unified schools will be continuing partnerships with LAEP through community schools, teaching and learning, or college and career work
- 8 schools in Pomona Unified will be new LAEP partner schools, engaging both community schools and CORE work at these sites
- In partnership with the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools, LAEP is serving as a California Community Schools Partnership Program Regional Technical Assistance Center to support community school implementation in Riverside, San Bernardino, Inyo, and Mono Counties
- The LAUSD Cohort of Community Schools will be engaging with LAEP professional development to support community schools work across the district
- CORE work through the 21st Century California School Leadership Academy grant will continue with educational leaders in Imperial, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, and San Bernardino Counties
- Hawthorne School District will host our Early Head Start childcare center, opening later this year!
And that is just our work with K-12 schools. We’re also continuing our work with the Northeast Valley Best Start Community and our Early Head Start home visitation program, our first Ready2Teach cohort is beginning to train and prepare future infant-toddler teachers in Los Angeles County, and we’re working with organizations across Los Angeles County to strengthen early childhood education programs.

This is an exciting moment for not only us, but for educational transformation as a whole. We are so grateful to all of our partners for entrusting LAEP to be an integral part of their community. As always, we are here to support educators, families, and communities in the ongoing process of liberating education. Thank you for your work and commitment to this endeavor.
Here’s to a strong, successful school year.
LAEP Partner Schools 2023-2024
- 109th Street Elementary School (South LA)
- 118th Street Elementary (South LA)
- 122nd Street Elementary (South LA)
- 75th Street Elementary (South LA)
- Augustus F. Hawkins High School (South LA)
- Barrett Steam Academy (South LA)
- Communication and Technology School at Diego Rivera (South LA)
- East Los Angeles Performing Arts Academy – Esteban E. Torres (East LA)
- East Los Angeles Renaissance Academy – Esteban E. Torres (East LA)
- Emerson Middle School (Pomona)
- Engineering and Technology Academy – Esteban E. Torres (East LA)
- Ford Blvd. Elementary School (East LA)
- Harrison Elementary (Pomona)
- The Humanitas Academy of Art and Technology – Esteban E. Torres (East LA)
- Miguel Contreras – Business & Tourism (East LA)
- Park West High School (Pomona)
- Philadelphia Elementary (Pomona)
- San Fernando Middle School (San Fernando)
- Simons Middle School (Pomona)
- Social Justice Leadership Academy – Esteban E. Torres (East LA)
- University Pathways Public Service Academy (South LA)
- Vejar Elementary (Pomona)
- Washington Elementary (Pomona)
- Westmont Elementary (Pomona)