Beyond Gift Cards and Yoga Class: Sustainable Practices to Support School Staff with Burn-Out

Who: Principals, Assistant Principals, Deans, Counselors

What: Staff burn-out is real. Through this series, participants will explore the physical and psychological effects of the pandemic on adults and students. We will delve into strategies that promote individual and collective well-being specifically as it relates to burnout and secondary traumatic stress. We will also examine how personal responses to uncertain times impact our personal and collective well-being, the overall climate of a school community, and our interactions with students.

Participants Will Walk Away With: Actionable steps to nurture safe and stable professional and personal behaviors during uncertain times


  • Understand how our personal response to uncertain times in the global community, impact our well-being and climate of school community
  • Apply our new learning immediately to encourage safe professional and personal behaviors during the co-pandemics
  • Reflect on the current state of our school climate and explore strategies that promote collective well-being during the pandemic

Session Topics Include:

  • Compassion Fatigue vs. Compassion Satisfaction
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Counter ACEs
  • How do I practice resilience and support organizational resilience on campus?


Support the holistic, diapers-to-diplomas approach to liberatory education.

Eric Barela, Ph.D.

Senior Consultant, Raya Cooper Impact Consulting

Dr. Eric Barela has worked as a measurement & evaluation professional for over 2 decades, helping organizations to better understand and act on their social impact. He’s currently a Senior Consultant with Raya Cooper Impact Consulting and previously worked at Salesforce, where he led efforts to measure the social impact of the company’s work with nonprofits and educational institutions across the globe. He began his career working with the Los Angeles Unified School District and with the nonprofit, Partners in School Innovation. Eric previously served on the Board of the American Evaluation Association and currently serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of the American Journal of Evaluation.

Eric grew up in East LA and was educated in the Montebello Unified School District. He holds a Ph.D. in education from UCLA. He loves a good road trip, with his husband serving as trusty navigator.