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Envisioning and Leading Equitable TK Classrooms

Who: Central office and site leaders implementing TK in California school districts. Participants can attend individually or in teams.

What: The 21CSLA UTK Leadership Initiative prepares leaders to “lead for equity” in rolling out California’s Universal Transitional Kindergarten. Connect with other TK leaders across the region and explore what equitable classrooms and continuous improvement look like in this space.

When: Six meetings from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m.:

  • Nov. 2
  • Nov. 9
  • Nov. 16
  • Nov. 30
  • Dec. 7
  • Dec. 14

Where: Virtual (Zoom)

Learning outcomes:

  • After exploring research and standards related to high-quality, developmentally appropriate instruction, leaders can identify specific “look fors” in TK classrooms to develop their instructional leadership for implementing California’s UTK
  • Leaders can make specific connections between existing assessments and how they can inform equity-centered continuous improvement for systemically marginalized and historically underserved students



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