Evaluation, Accountability, and Impact

Want to make a real impact on education in Los Angeles?

Los Angeles Education Partnership (LAEP) has your back. We give you the tools and information you need to push for stronger accountability and create a more equitable system for all students.

Check out these resources that will help you make your voice heard.

Evaluation of Ready2Teach, an Infant and Toddler Care Teacher Development Program in Los Angeles County.

This report provides insights from the first-year implementation of an infant and toddler care workforce development program. Our study found that effective strategies that a successful apprenticeship program might offer include flexible scheduling, a coaching system that provides timely and personalized support, hands-on experience and direct mentorship, culturally relevant teaching practices that integrate real-life examples and promote a sense of community among participants.

Improving the Infant and Toddler System of Care in Los Angeles: Lessons from the Field

The vast majority of ECE educators caring for infants and toddlers are immigrant women of color from low-income households, earning poverty-level wages. The need for this study was to learn about the experiences, successes, and challenges that form LA’s infant and toddler care and education landscape. The stories shared with us by parents, teachers, FCC owners, directors, and other leaders – those closest to the system – allowed us to connect ECE advocates with the experiences of our “proximity experts.” Our key goal is to ensure that a highly qualified and diverse workforce is able to thrive in the coming years.


Support the holistic, diapers-to-diplomas approach to liberatory education.

Eric Barela, Ph.D.

Senior Consultant, Raya Cooper Impact Consulting

Dr. Eric Barela has worked as a measurement & evaluation professional for over 2 decades, helping organizations to better understand and act on their social impact. He’s currently a Senior Consultant with Raya Cooper Impact Consulting and previously worked at Salesforce, where he led efforts to measure the social impact of the company’s work with nonprofits and educational institutions across the globe. He began his career working with the Los Angeles Unified School District and with the nonprofit, Partners in School Innovation. Eric previously served on the Board of the American Evaluation Association and currently serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of the American Journal of Evaluation.

Eric grew up in East LA and was educated in the Montebello Unified School District. He holds a Ph.D. in education from UCLA. He loves a good road trip, with his husband serving as trusty navigator.