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Exploring Liberatory Leadership: Boundaries, Authority, Roles, and Task (BART) with Dr. Jaime Romo

Who: School/district leader teams 

Where: TBD

When: Two full, back-to-back days in early 2024; dates TBD

What: Educational leaders will be able to: A) analyze the interplay of authority, identity, and relationships in leadership; B) surface and address issues related to identity and positionality in their work; C) examine issues of trust and hierarchy so that all participants can fully engage; D) brainstorm systems of program feedback that inform their community of practice offerings; E) distinguish between individual and group processes;  F) demonstrate new skills in group decision making, roles and norms, communication networks, group goals, conflict management and group development. 

Let us know you’re interested in by filling out this form and we’ll get back to you with dates and other details as soon as they are available.


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