To ensure that LAEP staff feel prepared to offer appropriate support to the families we serve, we have curated a list of resources. These resources are designed to equip our staff with the knowledge and tools they need to effectively address the diverse needs of our community.
This page will be updated frequently as we gather information from our trusted partners and team members.
Traducción de video en español: A nuestros Educadores y familias que han sido afectadas por recientes órdenes ejecutivas, incluyendo aquellas relacionadas con la inmigración, por favor sepan que LAEP está con ustedes. El compromiso de LAEP con la equidad educativa y el bienestar permanece firme para todos. Reconocemos el impacto significativo y el efecto que estos eventos tienen en la salud mental, la asistencia y el bienestar general de los estudiantes y las comunidades. También hemos aprendido de experiencias anteriores que este tipo de incertidumbre es difícil para todos los involucrados en el sistema educativo. Por lo tanto, como su socio en educación, LAEP sigue comprometido a brindar apoyo y recursos. Nuestro equipo ha estado trabajando con nuestros socios para recopilar recursos sobre derechos de inmigración, leyes y políticas, organización comunitaria y formas de involucrarse localmente, enseñanza y aprendizaje culturalmente receptivos en esta era y salud mental y bienestar. Por favor sepan que estamos aquí para ustedes y estamos aquí para apoyarlos en la navegación de estos desafíos. Para acceder a los recursos disponibles, visite
- LAUSD “We Are One” Estamos Unidos
- Safe Schools for Immigrant Students
- K-12 Guidance
- Higher Education Guidance
- For Teachers/Leaders: Safe Schools for Immigrant Students (AB699 Toolkit)
- EDSOURCE: Immigrant Student Rights in California
- 10 Strategies for Schools – Childrens Impacted by ICE Raids
- Standford Law School – Protecting Undocumented Students
- (VIDEO) Case: States Cannot Deny Students a Free Public Education Based on Immigration Status
- (VIDEOS) We Have Rights
- (IG VIDEO) United We Dream “Know Your Rights”
- RED CARDS: How to Use
- RED CARDS: Free Download (ENG) (SPN)
- RED CARDS: Order & Pay $55
- Immigrant Legal Resource Center: Know Your Rights
- LA Public Librrary: Know Your Rights
- LA County of Immigrant Affairs: Know Your Rights Toolkit
- LA County of Immigrant Affairs: Know Your Rights Pamphlet/ “Ready Pocket Card”
- Family & Community Recovery Guide
- Rapid Response Legal Resource Hotline – Immigrant Defenders Law Center (not legal advice)
- National Immigration Legal Services – Directory
- CHIRLA: Deportation Defense Link
- CARECEN: Deportation Defense
- ACLU: Immigrants Rights
- San Bernardino & Riverside Counties – Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice: HOTLINE (909)361-4588
- Step-by-Step Family Preparedness Plan
- Protecting Assets & Child Custody in Face of Deportation
- Protect Yourself from Immigration Fraud
- List: Legal Assistance Directory (CA)
- Quality Start Los Angeles Resource List
- LAUSD – “We Are One” (Page 30)
- LGBT – Immigrant Legal Resource Center
- LGBTQ Funders
- ID Document Center
- Working for Intersectional Justice and LGBTQ+ Community
- Executive Orders Impacting the LGBTQ Community
- LGBTQ Resources for Well-Being
- ACLU: Transgender Rights