Leadership Philosophy with Dr. Jeff Duncan-Andrade

Who: School/district leader teams 

When & Where:

  • Sept. 22 from 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. in Palm Springs 
    • Hilton Palm Springs
      400 East Tahquitz Canyon Way
      Palm Springs, CA 92262
  • Virtual Oct. 13 from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. 
  • Virtual Oct. 20 from 9:30-11 a.m.  

Session 1: Leadership Philosophy – In person

This workshop centralizes one question: “who have you always wanted to be as an educator and educational leader?” The workshop authorizes leaders to dream again and foundationalizes their own vision for themselves and who they have always wanted to be as an educational leader. The central idea of this workshop is that we have to ignite, support, and protect the dreams of leaders if we are to expect them to nurture the stories and dreams of our youth and our teachers. Our time together creates space for the participants to share their dreams for themselves as leaders, develop a shareable vision for themselves, and identify clear next steps and obstacles to them achieving their optimal selves.

*Participants will be provided a minimum of 1 hour per week to check-in with their group about their progress on their leadership presentations.

Session 2: Performing the Leadership Philosophy – virtual

In this session, each participant will present their research in a 12-15 minute slide deck presentation. Feedback on these presentations will be provided by colleagues participating in the workshop. The sharing of the philosophies will build community between the participants and will also provide the participants with the makings of a humanizing and critical community building curriculum that can be used in their schools, classrooms and with their colleagues.

Session 3: Leadership Debrief – virtual

This session will allow the leadership team to share thoughts about the feedback received from participants, ask questions, and receive recommendations from the consultant on logical next steps to continue the work.



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