San Fernando High School graduate Emily shared how LAEP’s Community Schools team supported her, and her classmates, as they pursue college dreams.
Every school needs a partnership just like LA Education Partnership. They prioritize educational equity and facilitate access by providing families and students with opportunities for their education needs and concerns. My experience with having a college center in my school was very beneficial, since many of the students at my school are first-generation, just like me. We don’t have a great knowledge of academic opportunities out there for us, so having access to knowledgeable individuals who are there to help us out gives us an advantage in being able to succeed and having the possibility of graduating and being able to attend college/university.
I was able to acquire a scholarship for a UCLA summer program with the assistance of one of LAEP’s staff members, Kate, and it is just one prime example. At the outset of my journey in applying for the program, I had no idea where to begin or how to meet the requirements, but having someone assist me through these procedures was a huge assistance in doing everything right and, of course, being able to attend this program.
Kate also offered many various resources for us during class; she would visit our class and provide presentations about applying to UCs and other great universities that many of us most likely had in mind but did not know how to reach that goal of attending those schools.
I feel that many students’ concerns or questions about their future in school would go unanswered if people like Kate did not exist, therefore I am grateful for the opportunity to meet with this organization whose objective is to bring knowledge and possibilities to students and families.
LAEP’s community schools team weaves together the experience and resources of staff, students, parents, residents, and organizations to help transform schools into community resource hubs that address systemic inequities and enact liberatory practices. College and career readiness, like the support Emily describes, is one aspect of our community schools work. We are so grateful to work with incredible youth like Emily!